Kamis, 08 April 2010

Children make a commotion Goat Head Residents Without Nganjuk

Residents Prayung Hamlet, Village Resources Urip, District Brebek, Nganjuk, digegerkan with the birth of a strange young goat. Unlike most, this one goat kids born without a head and only has 2 legs.
Children's Samijan odd goat was born, Monday (18/1/2010) at around 19:00 pm. Another uniqueness of the goats also do not have tails.
"Ingkang setunggal kulo surprised amargi mboten fair, but ingkang kaping pindo kagete mboten terrible. Meniko Medal Baby wedus fit gulune rumiyen mboten wonten ndase (The first one I was not surprised because the fair, but the second was shocked. The baby goat was out of his neck without a head first ), "said Samijan told reporters at his home, Tuesday (19/1/2010) early days.
Because being born without a head, of course there is also no mouth organ, nose, eyes and ears on the goat kids. While the lack of 2 other leg would also make it not look like a goat, but it is more like a squirrel.
Interestingly the owner has a unique way of giving a drink to a young goat. Milk from its mother perahan results given by the child's body is splashed into the goat, which is expected to be absorbed into the body.
"Nggih pripun maleh, lha wong nggih mboten gadah sirah (Oh what could I do, yes indeed his condition is not got the head)," said Samijan.
Birth of a headless goat kids are torn to the attention of citizens, which in turn continues to come to watch. By reason of curiosity and annoyance, not a few visitors ventured to touch and stroked the child's body is unique goat.
"Just Weird mas, kok there like this young goat," said Subhan, one of the residents who came to watch.

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